craneField: 칠레 2015/09/17 지진 후 다시받은 반가운 메일

2016년 3월 16일 수요일

칠레 2015/09/17 지진 후 다시받은 반가운 메일

칠레에 한국을 무척 사랑하는 젊은 대학생 펜팔이 지난해 9월 17일 대 진이 발생한 이후 소식이 없어 매우 궁금했는데 다시 장문의 메일을 보내 왔다. 행여나 그 지진으로 인해 어떤 사고를 당하지나 않았을까 걱정을 했었는데 그 지진관련 내용은 설명이 없이 소식을 전해 왔다. 양해를 구하지는 않았지만 전문을 공개 합니다.

Hello xxxxxx! 
First of all I owe you a big apology,long time ago I had in mind to write and had not found the time to do it. It'sbeen some weeks a bit complicated for me. With my family, I have had somediscussions with my mother, I lived so long alone that now I dont get used toliving with other people, I miss my independence and my privacy butunfortunately for now I can not do anything about it, I would live alone againbut I can not afford that. That is related to another of my problems, mywork... they have also been a few difficult weeks there, my boss is a verydemanding woman (and I do not care, I like working and I like my job) but shehas very bad ways to ask for things, she was very rude with me sometimes...andalso, I dont got enough money and have to spend it all on paying the Universitytuition, so I thought coldly and decided to quit. I did it, and my boss lookedfor a replacement for my. But two months later they not even find someone whocan do my job as quickly and as well as I do (Its not very difficult but thereare too many things to do and I'm used to, so thats why I'm as good, I guess)so I'm still here. At least my boss is now much more friendly and affectionatewith me, I think she realized about my worth as an employee and therefore shedont want to miss me. And finally, before Christmas, I went on vacation at theUniversity ...I also used a lot of my time on it, I was studying hard lately tobe the best and I did, I was among the best qualified and I had very goodgrades, teachers are dear to me and I think I'm doing well, I hope I also gowell next year and be a good professional. 
Now it is summer here, it's hot(although, today it's cloudy) but as we are near the sea the cold air blowingfrom the sea cools the air and is very nice. In January and February I workfrom 10am to 7pm so I try to go out in the evenings to walk and enjoy of my goals for this year is to appreciate more the things that Ihave and be thankful for my family, for the possibility to study and work and forthe place where I live. Another of my New Year's resolutions is to be a bestfriend...I've been lucky to meet wonderful people in these last years and Ithink I have not been kind to them, you're one of those I want tothank you for all the messages you sent to me (I dont reply but I've read all,I keep them with much affection), for remembering me even though we hardly knowand for wait for this response, you are very kind and promise not disappear in2016 and write more often. 
How you been? How was work? What didyou do this Christmas and New Year? :) 
I was home at I toldyou before, we were not in a lot of happiness in my house so for the first timeI not decorate the house, we did not put even the Christmas tree...but that nightmy father came to visit us and have dinner with us, so I thought that basicallydid not care decoration of the house because the true meaning of Christmas(although I am not a Christian, my parents are yes, they are, and they alwayscelebrate these dates, they are special to them). At New Years Eve we were hereat home too, I did not go out partying like other years...I had dinner with myfamily, we watched fireworks from the window and were together until 3am...Iwent to bed early because I was so tired of working. 
What do you usually do in Korea atthis time, do you have any special traditions? :) 
I hope you are fine when you receivethis mail, hope you started very good 2016 and I wish to be a year full ofsuccess, peace and love for you and your family. Have a good day, see you soon! 


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