아르헨티나 로사리오 시에서 페인트가게를 경영하는 노총각 이슬라엘 계 펜팔이 내가 이해 할 수 없는 자기들(이스라엘 율법)전통 의식에 대한 예기를 하고 있다. 세상은 물리적 거리의 변화는 없지만 새로운 운송과 통신의 기술 발달로 시공간이 짧아지고 그로인해 점차 인간들의 삶의 방식과 의식은 통일이 되어가는 느낌이다. 하지만 이 친구는 자신들의 전통을 잘 지키려는 것 같다. 나는 그가 보낸 메일의 내용을 잘 이해 할 수 없는 부분이 많다. 대략 짐작으로 이해 할 뿐이다. 이 친구는 13살에 해야 할 성인식을 58에 뒤늦은 성인식을 했다고 합니다. It is with great sorrow that I have to let you know that my mother passed away a couple of hours ago. I am 58 and I have lived with her for 50 years since the only thing I have not to consider are the years I spent abroad. 2015/09/02 메일 중에서 According to Jewish beliefs the actions I may do during 12 months of mourning will influence G-d's decision. I certainly don't believe my mother needs my help but it's good to know that if there was even a 1% chance for G-d not to judge my mother in a positive way I'll do all within my power to reverse such doubt. 2015/11/27 메일 중에서 일부 발췌 한국의 옛 전통은 부모님 돌아기시면 3년동안 애도한다고 했더니 자기들(Jewish)은 12개월 동안이 애도기간 이라고 하는군요. The Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish celebration that people are supposed to do when they reach the age of 13. I did it at the age of 58 which is something very uncommon. The celebration was just fantastic! I dare to say I never saw so many people in the synagogue before. Mónica Fein (the actual mayor of Rosario) and Hermes Binner (the former governor of the province in which I live and candidate to be president in the last election) were there and I had the chance to have a little chat with both of them explaining some Jewish traditions. The new Torah was finished and then we took it from the school to thesynagogue by foot (it’s only a few meters away) and kept it in the Holy Closet where it will remain for maybe 150 years. Then everybody danced (I didn’t because I will keep mourning my mom for 12 months). Rosario’s Mayor was given the honor of lighting the first Hanukah candle. All in all it was a fantastic evening. Unfortunately I had to close my store at 6:00 PM in order to attend rather than at 8:00 PM in perhaps the one that was the best selling day of the year (it was a holiday). Yet, at this point of my life there are many things that are more important than some extra money. Getting a new Torah is an event that may take around 150 years to be repeated and I’m proud to say that at least one word of such Torah was written by me. I’m attaching a picture taken by the rabbi on October 26 in which I’m symbolically putting my hand on the Sofer’s hand. As far as I’m concerned it was my mother’s hand as all I did (including my Bar Mitzvah) and will do within the next year will be done honoring her memory. 2015/12/08 메일에서 I’m attaching a picture taken by the rabbi on October 26 in which I’m symbolically putting my hand on the Sofer’s hand. 자기가 직접 율법을 쓰는 대신 자신의 손을 소퍼(?) 손위에 얹음으로 대신 하는 것 같습니다.이 친구의 어머니는 넘어져서 고관절이 많이 부서저서 큰 고생을 했고, 치료 중에는 대소변을 직접 받아내면서 간호를 했지만 결국 돌아가셨다고 했다. 이 친구는 어머니 사후 1년 애도기간이 지나지 않아 다 같인 즐겨야할 파티에서 춤을 추지 않았다고 한다. 아무튼 이 친구 어머니에 대한 사랑이 대단한 것 같다. |
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