나는 체코 국민이 한국 대통령 방문에 어떤 반응을 하는지 궁금했다. 체코 펜팔에게 우리 대한민국 박근혜 대통령이 당신 나라에 갔는데 어떤 뉴스를 들었느냐고 물어 봤더니 회신이 왔다. 그 친구가 관련 소식 메일을 먼저 보내려 했는데 내가 선수를 친 것이 되 버렸다. Yes, I read this report. I wanted to write, too. You were faster :-D This is a very significant event. South Korea is our most important trading partner. For example, 30 km from my town(Trinec) is a village Nosovice. There is a built large Korean automaker(Hyundai). With your lady president met Prime Ministers of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Czech Republic. Madam President alsomet with our President. I think that this visit is very important and promising. http://www.hyundai-motor.cz/english.php <== Please click
Nice day Dana |
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